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Week 5

The objective of the fifth week During this week ( the last week ) , our group has integrated the project. In the indoor positioning part, the software we use the clustering algorithm. The algorithm first randomly assigns each observation point to one of the K categories and then calculates the mean of each category. Next, the algorithm reassigns each point to the category whose mean is closest to the point data before recalculating the mean. Repeat this step until you don't need to redistribute it. There are some variations of this algorithm. There are several ways to initialize the cluster for "seeding". Here, we randomly assign each data to a group and then calculate the mean of those groups. This causes the average between the initially generated groups to be close, resulting in more repeating steps later. Since the armor was not perfect, we decided to replace the armor with the clothes and pasted the vibration module onto the clothes and put the Arduino board
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Week 4

The objective of the fourth week During this week, our group mainly studied accurate positioning of signal strength through iBeacon in the range of 3.0m* 3.0m. At the same time, We have made the admission animation interface and the start interface of VR game successful.  Meanwhile, our group discussed the sustainability development of our projects. The project aims to realize the Indoor Location and Somatosensory Feedback with low-cost components and does not affect the environment then achieve sustainable development. Although the VR game does not have an immediate sustainability benefit, the most of the equipment can meet the requirements of the sustainability. In the project, we use the Ibeacon technology to get the user position. This technology can be used in the hospital to solve the problem about the patient spend a lot of time to find the department or the ward. The indoor positioning technology, Ibeacon, makes the interaction between patients, medical staf

Week 3

The objective of the third week During this week, our group mainly studied the iBeacon, which used for indoor positioning and research the relationship between the distance and the RSSI produced by Ibeacon. The process of the third week Firstly, we download an APP called LightBlue which can change the major, minor, name, etc. it  is shown in figure blow. Figure 1:The LightBule application Then, we entered to the LightBlue and find the name of the iBeacon in the Peripherals nearby list. when we put the iBeacon nearly to phone .the signal will be strong and when we put the iBeacon a little far will cut down and changed the name of iBeacon: anchor 0, anchor 1, anchor 2, anchor 3. It should be noted that we must pay attention to the correct password before changing. The password is marked on the back of iBeacon. At the same time, we change the TX power. W hen we set TX power high, it will cost much power , but the distance range will be   long. Finally, we changed the b

Week 2

The objective of the second week During week 2, the main objective was integrating every vibration sensor on the circuit board. More specifically, through using the application developed last week on the mobile phone, the vibration of the vibration sensor on the circuit board can be controlled accurately. In addition, a portable armor made by paper, which can be installed circuit boards, is made to feel the vibration. The second process of the second project The first step solve the problem about which method was chosen to connect the vibration with pins. On the one hand, electrical circuit can be used as the link. On the other hand, the tin wire which can be welded on the circuit board by the welding torch is also a favourable choice. The next step is using the welding torch to make a link between the vibration sensor with pins. At the beginning, because we have 12 vibration sensors divided into 6 parts totally, we plan to install two vibration sensors every circuit board. U

Week 1

The introduction of the project Our group, will use the some computer applications such as UNITY, MAYA and the knowledge about software engineering to study the Indoor Positioning and the Somatosensory feedback. In order to make the project’s more interesting, the project is developed in the form of VR computer game. The VR computer game combing the virtual world with reality world, which will be made by our group in the next few weeks, is a shooting game with scenes, plots, heroes, weapons and monsters. Through applying to the mobile phone VR glasses, the game can bring more sense of reality to the player. At the same time, the player can move in the square enclosed by the four iBeacons and the position of the player will be calculated by the iBeacons. Then the four iBeacons will transmitted the position information to the game and mobile in time to achieve indoor positioning. In the game, the player can wear our designed clothing and attack the monsters using the weapon. However,